We don't play enough as we grow up
This project combines research, design principles, and psychology into a unified UI guide. The deliverable is a non-traditional website guide that serves as a supportive tool for incorporating play into UI designs and layouts. I explore how the brain can be subtly encouraged to engage in playful interactions, highlighting the significant benefits this approach brings to design. Play has transformative powers and when this is merged with design it creates something both visually engaging and mentally beneficial for the user.
This is where PLAYFuiL comes into play…
How do you get people playing when:
Adults view play as only VITAL for children
People are overwork themselves with little incentive to play
On average we spend an average of 7 hours daily looking at screens
You trick them shhhh…
You infuse play into activities and experience that people are already participating in and are familiar with so they don't need to make any separate life changes.
Research & Findings:
Types of research conducted:
Expert Interviews, User Interviews, Article Reviews, Surveys & Questionnaires, Competitive Analysis, Usability Testing…
Why play?
•Increases brain plasticity and brain function
•Those involved with play exhibit higher intelligence
•Increase immunity, muscle strength, and creativity
•Reduces stress and improves human connection
•Directly linked to cognitive development and self-regulation
•Makes time spent on work more productive and enjoyable
•Integrate play into everyday spaces to encourage greater engagement
•There needs to be inclusive play spaces that everyone can understand and utilize
•Let the user bring play to life
•There are heavy restrictions on play in the US
•Adults take longer to initiate play but once they overcome the initial hurdle they play for longer durations than children
Infuse play into design
I created a UI guide that uses those 3 initial problem areas (Adults don't see play as necessary, people are overloaded with work, and 7 hours daily looking at screens) and turns them into strengths!
Make play relevant
Integrate play seamlessly into existing routines and activities to accommodate for time constraints and stigmas
Utilize screen time effectively for multiple beneficial purposes
My project is a visually captivating and interactive UI guide that breaks away from conventional website formats. I have merged research in design and psychology to demonstrate how play can be seamlessly integrated into design, catering to both designers and users alike. The focus is on showing, teaching, and inspiring designers and anyone interested in a comprehensive manual about how play should and could be incorporated into design.
PLAYFuiL the UI guide discusses why exactly there needs to be a focus on play and is split into 4 sections that all can be altered to directly contribute to boosting play:
How it started:
When I started with these initial designs I kept putting play into a box. It wasn't until I took my own advice, broke free from my usual design habits, and embraced play that I discovered how to successfully convey my message.
How it ended:
Reflecting on my journey through this project, I have gained invaluable insights not only into the realm of design but also into the art of effective communication and advocacy. The main challenge I encountered was advocating for play in a world where many minds are set against it. This experience taught me the value of resilience, passion, and belief in pushing an idea forward.
A pivotal lesson I learned was the importance of framing my ideas in a way that resonates with the audience, avoiding stigmatizing words (such as play) that might trigger resistance. I discovered how to pitch ideas compellingly and stand my ground. My research demonstrates the vital role that play has in cognitive and emotional development, and I was determined to merge this powerful tool with design to influence a wider audience.