Having roommates isn't always easy!

I have been living with roommates for the past 4 years now, and bringing up the uncomfortable but necessary conversations to make a living environment flow comfortably has never been the easiest task. So many people face these issues yet there are little to no resources to help.
With Roomease I wanted to focus on 4 main areas to help ease unavoidable tensions.
Voice clear boundaries and responsibilities
Encourage open and honest communication
Support conflict resolution techniques
Cultivate a respectful and inclusive atmosphere
Research Methodologies:
•Usability testing
•Expert interviews
•Diary study
•Focus group
Who is all of this for?
Mental model
Card sorting
Main questions
From a psychological perspective what are some common sources of challenges between roommates?
How important is effective communication when it comes to ones overall quality of life?
What is the most affect way to communicate when tensions might already be high?
Are there any psychological theories/models that are based around communication in a shared living environment?
Are there cognitive biases that might impact communication and challenges between roommates?
Is there psychological reasoning behind why people face more challenges when they live together?
How might an app merge with behavioral psychology principles to encourage healthy communication?
Main takeaways
Pause during high stress and step away from the emotional situation.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs: physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self-actualization.
Different definitions and rankings of needs can cause tension.
Understanding your roommates' valued needs is crucial as they may differ from your own.
Humans tend to focus on negatives, making it hard to remember positives during conflicts.
All roommates should equally participate in household chores.
Closer relationships often lead to unfair standards in chore expectations among roommates.
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs
Diary study
The idea is to have all roommates within a co-living environment complete these diary entries. The diary study will also be extended to multiple living spaces to collect entries from a variety of living environments and roommate dynamics to identify instances of miscommunication and challenges.
lofi wireframes
With this initial research framework finished the next steps would be to analyze and implement!